Sunday, September 03, 2006
3 Sep
Good morning on the Lord's day to you.
This was me and Sarah last night at McDonald's that I didn't put on yesterday's post.

Sarah woke up very happy today. She played on the bed while Shellye and I snapped pictures of her. Some of you may be wondering if she is cross-eyed. She's not...not that there's anything wrong with that...but sometimes the camera angle makes it look as if she were.

Today we went to a little rural village on the outskirts of the city. This little band was the greeting party....

Then the kids came out of the wood work...this first picture is actually taken in front of the kids' school. We think they are happy because the sign behind and to the left of Shellye says that the start of school was delayed several days because of the heat. :-)

Sam Prugh -- I think this little girl maybe a Longhorns fan, what do you think?
This sweet old lady was an interesting story. I motioned with the camera to take her picture, she smiled. I took the shot then displayed it for her to look at. It took nearly 30 seconds of staring then it finally dawned on her that she was seeing herself. She started getting teary-eyed and tried to straighten her hair covering and tuck her loose hair under it. I don't imagine she's ever seen a picture of herself.

The older generation seem to be much more enthusiastic about a band a foreigners adopting their little girls. The shorter lady to Shellye's right said she was 77 but that she could still carry loads in the village. The other lady is 66 and had one tooth left. Both were engaging and happy to see Sarah with us.

A very good tailor came to the hotel. Shellye got several outfits for herself and dresses for all the girls. Daddy got this cool silk suit. I can see why these things are popular dress, it's probably one of the most comfortable things I've ever put on. And it helped me blend too, upon going out on the street, people mistook me for Bruce Lee in Enter the Dragon.

This is Sarah after eating a jar of carrots with rice cereal, she then tried to eat her right foot but then decided she'd need it later.

We put these footie jammies on her the first night and she kicked and screamed, but now she's diggin' 'em.

Every day Sarah becomes more attached to us. We have no doubt the Lord gave us a precious gift when He set the events in motion for her to join our family. It's Sunday night now and we paused to look back over the week since we picked her up at 5p.m. Monday afternoon. The best way to describe it is like watching a flower bloom in fast-motion and I don't know if that really covers it fully. She was ours on Monday but now I guess we are hers.
This was me and Sarah last night at McDonald's that I didn't put on yesterday's post.

Sarah woke up very happy today. She played on the bed while Shellye and I snapped pictures of her. Some of you may be wondering if she is cross-eyed. She's not...not that there's anything wrong with that...but sometimes the camera angle makes it look as if she were.

Today we went to a little rural village on the outskirts of the city. This little band was the greeting party....

Then the kids came out of the wood work...this first picture is actually taken in front of the kids' school. We think they are happy because the sign behind and to the left of Shellye says that the start of school was delayed several days because of the heat. :-)

This sweet old lady was an interesting story. I motioned with the camera to take her picture, she smiled. I took the shot then displayed it for her to look at. It took nearly 30 seconds of staring then it finally dawned on her that she was seeing herself. She started getting teary-eyed and tried to straighten her hair covering and tuck her loose hair under it. I don't imagine she's ever seen a picture of herself.

The older generation seem to be much more enthusiastic about a band a foreigners adopting their little girls. The shorter lady to Shellye's right said she was 77 but that she could still carry loads in the village. The other lady is 66 and had one tooth left. Both were engaging and happy to see Sarah with us.

A very good tailor came to the hotel. Shellye got several outfits for herself and dresses for all the girls. Daddy got this cool silk suit. I can see why these things are popular dress, it's probably one of the most comfortable things I've ever put on. And it helped me blend too, upon going out on the street, people mistook me for Bruce Lee in Enter the Dragon.

This is Sarah after eating a jar of carrots with rice cereal, she then tried to eat her right foot but then decided she'd need it later.

We put these footie jammies on her the first night and she kicked and screamed, but now she's diggin' 'em.

Every day Sarah becomes more attached to us. We have no doubt the Lord gave us a precious gift when He set the events in motion for her to join our family. It's Sunday night now and we paused to look back over the week since we picked her up at 5p.m. Monday afternoon. The best way to describe it is like watching a flower bloom in fast-motion and I don't know if that really covers it fully. She was ours on Monday but now I guess we are hers.
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Love the silk suit! Sarah's smiles are precious. It was great to talk to you last night. Howard has already created a blog:
Love to you, Liz
Love to you, Liz
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