Tuesday, August 29, 2006
29 Aug

Hi again.
This morning we went to the local adoption office and did the adoption registration and applied for the passport. Then we went over the notary man and had to have all the paperwork notarized. At this point we're done with all the local provicial paperwork. We will pick up birth certificate and abondonment certificate on Friday and the passport on Monday, 4 Sep. On Monday afternoon we'll be in Guangzhou to do the U.S. paperwork at the Consulate.
So for the next 5 days we'll have some extrememly important bonding time with Sarah. Kids - we showed her your pictures and she reached out to touch the picture. She's not really prone to reach out for stuff yet and when you try to hold her hand she'll pull it away more often that not. We're learning her little signals and just enjoying getting to know her. When she's awake, she want to be

We met the orphange director today, nice lady. She said Sarah does in fact like to be held all the time, that she doesn't like strangers and hates doctors in white coats. Luckily she was one of the most healthy in the orphanage, reportedly having a slight cold only twice.
I have some pictures but they are still in my camera and someone

Nap time is over...got to go.